University of Illinois System
Accounting & Budgeting

Banner Account Codes

The account code segment (i.e., the “A” in the C-FOAPAL) is an important segment of the Banner accounting string, which was designed to achieve numerous objectives as outlined below:

  • To classify an operating ledger transaction to the proper expense (1nnnnn or 2nnnnn), revenue (3nnnnn), or fund transfer (4nnnnn) account code within Banner for financial reporting purposes.
  • To classify a general ledger transaction to the proper asset (5nnnn) or liability (6nnnn) account code within Banner for financial reporting purposes.
  • To classify expense transactions to the proper Statewide Accounting Management System (SAMS) code per state reporting requirements.
  • To ensure accuracy and clarity in a unit’s financial statements which allows unit management to clearly see the types of expenses that were incurred, the type of revenue that was earned, the types of fund transfers that were processed, and the types of assets and liabilities that are on the books. This type of detailed information can ensure unit management has accurate information on hand which can aid them when making budgeting and financial planning decisions, as well as when reconciling and reviewing past data.

Given the impact that account codes have on the University of Illinois System’s financial reporting processes, it is very important to ensure that accurate account codes are assigned to your various Banner transactions.

Account Code Search

The Account Code Search application allows you to identify the proper account code to use on your various transactions. This application provides the full details behind each account code, such as:

  • The full account code title, along with the shortened Banner title
  • The account code description, which provides the definition
  • Examples of common uses of the account code
  • Details regarding scenarios when the account code should not be used

Tips on Using the Application

Use the Lookup section of the Code Search tab to search for a specific account code. If you do not know the specific account code, use the keyword search within the Code Search tab. These searches can be performed using a single keyword or even a phrase, similar to how a search would be completed on an internet browser. The application will then provide a list of results to browse through, based on the criteria provided.

For example, if a particular account code appears on a unit’s financial statements which the reconciler isn’t familiar with, they can enter that account code within this search box to locate the title and description.

The Download All Codes tab allows a if a particular account code appears on a unit’s financial statements which the reconciler isn’t familiar with, they can enter that account code within this search box to locate the title and description.


Banner Account Code Request Form: This is the form that you would need to complete when requesting the creation of a new account code. This form is also located at the Accounting & Financial Reporting Forms. When completing this form, be sure to fully complete each section with as much detail as possible.

Note: While we do occasionally create new account codes via requests from a unit, it is rare. We typically do not establish new account codes specifically for one unit, unless there is an overall benefit to the entire University of Illinois System. If you would like to talk over your request to determine whether or not you really need a new account code, reach out to the UAFR subject matter experts listed in the Contact section below, and we can help you think through your situation to see if an existing account code exists that you could use instead.

Who to Ask

For further details, contact the applicable subject matter experts listed in the Who to Ask list.

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