University of Illinois System
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iBuy Contracts+

Contracts+, module of iBuy, is the University of Illinois System's contract drafting and management system. It serves as the official repository for all University of Illinois System contracts held on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Units using Contracts+ are able to develop and route their contracts electronically, instead of in paper form.

Ethics and Confidentiality

All University of Illinois System employees must follow ethical practice and maintain confidentiality when dealing with contracts. Units using Contracts+ will have access to electronic copies of system contracts and other contract information that historically has not been available.

Users are required to read and acknowledge the Confidentiality Statement in Ability LMS prior to requesting access. The Security Applicaiton will validate if access can be granted.

Access and Approval Queues

All users requesting access to Contracts+ will need to have it provisioned via Security Application. This process will follow the standard system access protocol with users reaching out to their Unit Security Contacts (USC) with an access request.

Access for the following roles and approval queues are to be requested through the Contracts+ Access increment in the Security Application by your USC.

Department Level Access

Department level access in Contracts+ involves the following profiles:

  • Contract Requestor - Allows the user to do everything necessary to create a Contract Request Form and submit it for approval.
  • Contract Approver - Allows the user to approve, reject or return a Contract Request Form or a Contract within their approval queue.

Approval Queues

  • Unit Head Approval Queues are Chart-Org Specific
    • Chart 2 - All Contract Request Forms and Contracts submitted for a Chart-Org regardless of dollar amount.
    • Chart 1, 4 & 9 - All Contracts submitted for a Chart-Org regardless of dollar amount
  • Dean/Director Approval Queues are Chart-Org Specific
    • Chart 2 -All Contract Request Forms submitted for a Chart-Org equal to or greater than $100,000.
    • Chart 1 & 9 - All Contracts submitted for a Chart-Org equal to or greater than $100,000.
    • Chart 4 - All contracts submitted for a Chart-Org equal to or greater than $25,000.
  • Chancellor/Vice Chancellor/Vice President Approval: Queues are College Code Specific
    • Chart 2 - All Contract Request Forms submitted for a Chart-Org within the College that is equal to or greater than $200,000.
    • Chart 1 & 9 - All Contracts submitted for a Chart-Org within the College that is equal to or greater than $200,000
    • Chart 4 - All Contracts submitted for a Chart-Org within the College that is equal to or greater than $50,000

System Level Access

Department level access in Contracts+ involves the following profile:

  • Contract Approver - Allows the user to approve, reject or return a Contract Request Form or a Contract within their approval queue.

Approval Queues

  • Contract Approver - Allows the user to approve, reject or return a Contract Request Form or a Contract within their approval queue.
    • All Contracts submitted for a Chart in which the Fiscal Year Spend is $250,000-999,999 or $1,000,000 or more
  • President Approval Queues are Chart specific
    • All Contracts submitted for a Chart in which the Fiscal Year Spend is $250,000-999,999 or $1,000,000 or more

Second Party - Critical Step

In Contracts+, all second parties, meaning the non-university parties that the university contracts with, must be established in Contracts+ before you can submit a Contract Request. If a second party is not already established in Contracts+, the appropriate form based on the type of contract must be submitted and processed before you submit a contract request.

The Searching For and Establishing Second Parties in iBuy job aid will take you through the process of checking to see if your second party has already been established and how to request a Second Party be added to the iBuy system.

Contract Visibility

Contract Requestors and Contract Approvers have full visibility to contracts that use the same College Code that their Banner Default Finance Profile organization falls under. For any contracts that do not use their College Code, Contract Requestors and Contract Approvers will only be able to see a limited summary view of the contract data.

If a Contract Requestor or Contract Approver is unsure which contracts they should be able to view in Contracts+, they can use the Chart-Org-College Code Cross Reference list to find their Organization Code and the associated College Code.