University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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Open Comment Archive


19 Contracts

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for updates to 19 Contracts - Business & Finance from November 11 to 25, 2024.

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy is published.

Draft Policy:

13.8 Enrollment and Key Deposits

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for a new policy, 13.8 Enrollment and Key Deposits, from November 11 to 25, 2024.

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy is published.

Draft Policy:

8.1.1 Business Meals, Refreshments, and Alcohol

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer & Comptroller announces that policy 8.1.1 Business Meals, Refreshments, and Alcohol is available for open comment from November 7–21. The policy has been updated to provide more information on allowable expenses for business meals as well as list the funds that are allowed for alcohol purchases, rather than listing the ones that are not allowed.

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy is published.

Draft Policy:

8.11 Relocation Assistance and 8.11.1 One-Time Moving Payment to the Employee

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces that policies 8.11 Relocation Assistance and 8.11.1 One-Time Moving Payment to the Employee are available for open comment from October 15–29. The policies have been updated to clarify that 0% hourly employees are not eligible for moving relocation expense reimbursement or payment.

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy format is published.

Draft Policy:

17 Consultants and Independent Contractors

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for updates to 13 Accounting from October 8 to October 22, 2024.

Highlights include:

  • Revised throughout for clarity and accuracy
  • Update policies to current policy format
  • 17.3 Capital Professional Services Consultant (PSC) Error and Omission Policy replaced with link to original policy

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy format is published.

Draft Policy:

13 Accounting

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for updates to Section 13 Accounting from September 17 to October 1, 2024.

Highlights include:

  • Removal of policy 13.2 C-FOAPAL Segments, as the information in this policy was combined with section 13.1 Overview of Fund Accounting at the University of Illinois System
  • Renumbering of Section 13 Policies
  • Updates for clarification and consistency throughout Section 13

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy format is published.

Draft Policy:

5 Receivables

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for updates to 5 Receivables from August 28 to September 11, 2024.

Highlights include:

Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback in the comments section below to be considered before the new policy format is published.

Draft Policy:

12.5.2 Expensed Lease or Housing Stipend for a Non-University Owned Residence or Apartment

Policy 12.5.2 Expensed Lease or Housing Stipend for a Non-University Owned Residence or Apartment has been updated to remove the requirement for submitting a lease for a Long Term Residence Stipend (More than One Year). The university retains the right to ask for one, but it is no longer an advance requirement to create a stipend.

The lease requirement is still in place for Short Term Residence Expense Reimbursement (One Year or Less).

Draft Policy:

15.3 Motor Vehicle Accidents

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for 15.3 Motor Vehicle Accidents from August 14, 2024 to August 28, 2024. This policy update provides additional details in the Procedure section of the policy.

Highlights include:

  • Notice that employee’s Social Security Number may be required in the event of an accident
  • Updated links to the university specific accident response plans
  • Clarification on the reporting timeframe for vehicle accidents to the university motor pool office

Draft Policy:


10.3.1 Deposit Cash and Checks with University Bursar

The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller announces an open comment period for Policy 10.3.1 Deposit Cash and Checks with University Bursar from June 12, 2024 to June 18, 2024. This policy update attempts to provide more clarification on this process. These updates adjust the required amounts and timing of deposits.

Highlights include:

  • Adds a requirement to submit funds of $5,000 or more within one business day (including a completed department deposit form).
  • Updates deposits required within five business days of receipt from $200 to less than $5,000 (including a completed department deposit form).
  • Adds a requirement stating that if a unit uses armored car services to transport deposits and the pre-arranged pickup schedule can conflict with the one and five day timeframes IF the pickup schedule is regularly reviewed and adjusted as appropriate and approved by University Bursar.

Draft Policy:

13.7 ICR Funds Overview

Highlights include:

  • Guidelines for ensuring indirect cost recovery funds (ICR) are properly accounted for in Banner

Draft Policy:

22.1 Self-Supporting Funds Overview

Highlights include:

  • Guidelines for ensuring self-supporting funds (SSFs) are properly accounted for in Banner

Draft Policy:

22.2 Self-Supporting Excess Funds

Highlights include:

  • Guidelines for ensuring excess funds from 3J and 3Q SSFs are properly accounted for in Banner

Draft Policy:

22.3 Self-Supporting Funds Deficits

Highlights include:

  • Guidelines to properly resolve a cash deficit within a SSF on a timely basis

Draft Policy: