University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures

10.2.1 Accept Checks as Payment

Policy Statement

Before units can engage in cash handling activities, they must develop and implement written internal operating procedures that must be approved in writing by University Bursar Cashier Operations.

Reason for the Policy

The University of Illinois requires units that receive checks develop and implement internal operating procedures aligned with system policies and procedures to ensure compliance. Unit communications regarding payment options to their customers/payors should state that the University of Illinois System assesses a $25 returned check charge for any check payment returned by the bank.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all University of Illinois Cash Handling Units that receive and deposit checks.


To accept checks as payment:

  1. Verify that each check meets all of the following conditions:
    • Payable to "University of Illinois"
    • Includes payor’s name, local address, and telephone number
    • Signed by checking account owner
    • Written text and numeric amounts match
    • Current date. Do not accept post-dated checks, or checks dated more than 30 days before today's date.
  2. If the check is presented in person, verify the check writer's identity:
    • If the check is for a student account, put the student's UIN on the front of the check.
    • Examine an unexpired system or state-issued photo ID of the checking account owner.
    • Initial the check to confirm a photo ID was presented and that you have verified the accuracy of the information on the check.
  3. Endorse the back of the check via stamp or hand. Include “for deposit only,” unit name, and C-FOAP. Note: UIUC Cash Handling Units may provide the department form reference number in lieu of C-FOAP.
  4. Complete a control log entry for the check that includes the date, check number, payor name, and amount. Retain a control log in your unit files for all checks received.
  5. Prepare and submit as appropriate Report of Cash Sales, Report of Money Received, or online Department Deposit form. Deposit with University Bursar Cashier Operations within three business days of receiving the funds whenever the unit has collected $5,000 or more, or within five business days of receiving the funds whenever the unit has collected funds totaling less than $5,000. Refer to 10.3.1 Deposit Cash and Checks with University Bursar for details.
  6. Units with sponsored projects may need to retain photocopies of checks for accountability purposes unique to their project.

Forms Used in this Procedure

Department Deposit
Instructions for using the Online Department Deposit Form

Paper form:
Report of Cash Sales (item #11485880) (available for purchase from the Urbana university iStores)

Related Policies and Procedures

10.3.1 Deposit Cash and Checks with University Bursar

Additional Resources

Front Line Cash Handling Guide
University Bursar office locations and hours

First Published: February 2008 | Last Updated: January 2025 | Last Reviewed: March 2023