University of Illinois System
Paying People
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Obtaining a Temporary Control Number (TCN) Prior to Social Security Number (SSN) Issuance

All individuals must have a Social Security Number (SSN) for employment. Foreign nationals who are employees or who have been offered employment by the University of Illinois must apply for an SSN at the local Social Security Office. If a foreign national employee has not yet received their SSN, the HR Front End (HRFE) transaction can be initiated using a University of Illinois Temporary Control Number (TCN).

Foreign national employees with a TCN must provide their SSN to their employing unit immediately upon issuance. All employees who hold a position that qualifies for health/life/dental insurance through Central Management Services (CMS) are not eligible until the system of record (Banner) is updated with the SSN.

Tax treaty benefits cannot be applied until the SSN is received. Federal regulations do not allow for retroactive tax treaty benefits. University Payroll & Benefits cannot refund taxes taken prior to the date the appropriate tax treaty benefit form is signed through a Tax Status Review.

TCNs are ONLY appropriate for internal use to initiate the employment record in HRFE. TCNs are NOT appropriate for any other use.

How to Obtain a TCN

  1. Follow the instructions on i-card Programs’ Request TCNs webpage.
  2. Secure required documentation to be uploaded to HRFE:
    1. Paid Non-Student Employees: Receipt of Application for SSN from Social Security Administration (SSA)
    2. Student/FSI/Unpaid Employees and Fellows: Completed Statement of Certification of Application for SSN