University of Illinois System
Policies & Procedures
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15.1.1 Cash Advances for Travel

Policy Statement

Cash advances for travel are provided only for expenses that cannot be charged on a University of Illinois System Travel Card (TCard) and may only be used for travel expenses. A cash advance for travel must be promptly accounted for and/or repaid upon completion of travel.

Reason for the Policy

To issue a cash advance for travel expenses that cannot be charged on a TCard, and to ensure that these travel advances are properly accounted for in Banner.

Applicability of the Policy

Whenever a cash advance is requested for travel expenses that cannot be charged on a TCard.


Refer to 8.3 Cash Advances for guidance that is universally applicable to all types of cash advances (such as program advances).

Cash advances for travel may be used for:

  • Student group travel when the advance is used only for student expenses.
  • Employee travel cash advances, only when no other method of payment (e.g., TCard) is practical.

Cash advances for travel may only be issued to employees, including student employees, for domestic travel of seven or more consecutive days, or international travel, when detailed information on how the cash advance will be spent is provided.

Only one cash advance for travel can be open at a time for the same employee.

Cash advances for travel are issued no sooner than seven days prior to travel. Cash advances for travel will not be issued to an employee who has not fully accounted for an earlier advance, except when the individual must leave for another trip within the seven days following their return from the earlier travel.

Cash advances for travel cannot be replenished. Cash advances for travel should be accounted for and/or repaid promptly upon completion of the travel, must be within 15 days.

Allow three business days for processing these requests.

For information on processing cash advances for travel, see Open and Close an Advance.

Related Policies and Procedures

8.3 Cash Advances

14.4 Manage Foreign Bank Accounts

19 Contracts

Additional Resources

Business Travel

Chrome River Resource Page

Open and Close a Travel Advance

University Payables Training Materials

Clery Act Reporting Requirements

University of Illinois Chicago: Clery Compliance

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Clery Act (Policy Number: FO-21)

University of Illinois Springfield: UIS Police—Jeanne Clery Act

First published: September 2012 | Last Updated: May 2024 | Last Reviewed: May 2024